marți, 9 aprilie 2013

scl...Ava (la nymphe)

te-am găsit abandonată-de tine tuturor- printre maldăre de mădulare retezate
cu ochii-ţi plângând lanţuri putrezite.


 îţi cădeau dinţii de porţelan
mâncate de cariile unei centuri de castitate corodate
pe sfârcurile tale – plăgi vineţii –  plângea râul  izvorât din mulţi

gemeai, păpuşă...

lingeai pătimaş făgaşurile sale!

virgină putredă! de-ai fi ştiut ce chingi şi laţuri-piei ale lui pluto-
aveau s-atârne-n jurul curului şi ţâţelor tale...

de-ai fi ştiut, păpuşă...

talăngi se-mpleteau în cosiţe despletite pe labiile-ţi-violate prin zvâcniri violente de mădular,
şi suflări opace -mărfuri de china- ţi se prelingeau dintre acestea.


acum mori,
 mori înecată de propriile-ţi plăceri-lichide vinovate
şi ochii-ţi încă plâng lanţuri putrezite.


        Today I felt like hanging tears on the pin-board.  I just wanted to put a pin tip in every single one of them with a merciless, yet docile finger tap. I felt like lobotomizing them in honor of a missing thing. But I came to realize there weren’t any of them left. It’s like they’ve vanished. No more mournful, nostalgic tears, nor tears of joy or sorrow. Will I taste their skin on my chin? Or will the rain simply lend me hers? Who knows?! Have the clouds had a nervous breakdown that it rains so eerie? 
       With dust now laying itself to rest on the raspberry tea turned scarlet in the cup, something’s a miss. A miss of substance, a miss of content. A miss of.... Who? What? When? I guess you never get to see these questions’ answers in a translucent picture as much as you tried. If it misses, why doesn’t it hurt, as if famine is ravaging your intestines? Or is this pain you feel when you miss something? Is nothingness something or its absence causes severe damage to the soul? I take another sip from the teacup with my desert dry lips. Still, it rains. Mindless, careless, word whisperer! You’ll never know peace as you can never break out of the imprisoning tower you resume your claustrophobic world to! If that is what makes us humans, how come most of us seem to be free? In fact, are we actually free from ourselves and the others? Do we ever rid ourselves from the mold that consumes our latent soul cellars?
    My hand’s been overrun with cavities. My left hand has cavities. Its bony structure can no longer stand its state of decay. But I can no longer feel the hurt the cavities cause to my nervous system. I’ve shut down for a while. I need to sleep, I need to rest. I fatally need to rid myself of myself. The only things I can reach now for are  a chit-chat here and there with solitary widow ling-spiders  and scarlet cockroaches living on the putrefied pavement underneath the kitchen sink. Somehow, I no longer care about how it all dies off. It’s a universe ready to spill it’s last drooling and breath once I finish this never ending line I write. It’s the final act of a puzzled-play and the main character is missing from its place. Where is it? Better said, which one is it? What shape does it have? I dread the day I find the answers to these riddles that have obvious answers. I fear it will all wear off, I fear that I will wear off as well and then, then.... I’d have to start it all over again and so forth until the end of.... the end.
       Seven sirens with the voices of a thousand wailing banshees grunt from the wombs of my old radio and I‚m hanging rotten rag dolls on top of the threshold. Poetry of the dead is spurned through Seria’s meows (she’s been starving for centuries now!)  and the buffoon is dancing tango on a turnip’s flute shouts with a dead ballerina. I, we, we all started with a collective glimpse of light, but it’s got far too close to a pulsar now! We all succumb to not feeling anything and not remembering anything. Why don’t we care anymore? We are nothing but a bunch of sitting ducks. What can’t we feel or remember? What should we ignore and forget? Why do we lack the lacking of it? What is it? Who is it? When is it?
       We’ve been aging and we still are. Blank expressions scar our heads and spoiled mascara runs down our cheeks in rivers. Build me a prison-tower out of the words I collect from the engravings I do on the coffee-stained paper. Build us a home, I muttered! Build it! Build a  twig-bird-cage for our corroded shards of heart to keep! Help us keep forgetfulness for as long as possible! Agony, oh agony! Why can’t we remember? We are still dancing and hoping around like escapees from an asylum. In a world so tern such as ours, delusion is at home and we along with it. But what are we forgetting  Can we forget forgetfulness? Can we .... Who is we?....

If I ever die, will you taste my lips if they are not there?