vineri, 23 decembrie 2011

Self reconstruction

         I could not stand any longer the brawl taking place deep within my soul. This inner conflict made me feel as if I did not have any chance of putting an end to it whatsoever. There was not a single good reason for pursuing any dreams, any horizons. Because of it, I always rejected helping myself or accepting others’ help. It was the cause of an inabillity of finding any rehabilitation for this ‚disease’, as I would have called it.... a perpetuous battle against me and reality. Or at least, that was how I felt. It was not until I found the curing effect of expressing thoughts, regards and sorrows through literature that I actually took a stand and cleansed myself of inner demons.
         I remember  when I first went to highschool. Perspectiveless, aimless, pointless! Still, I  guarded myself with a handful of idiotic suppositions of how life would look from then on. I always felt that I had to create something; to create for others and particularly for me . And praised be the Lord for having sent me redemption! A single person was needed to make me aware of my potential and of the endeavours needed for healing and creating! It was a woman. A woman with a great personality and unlimited knowledge; more specifically, the sort of knowledge I needed to be guided with to put at ease my mutilated self. 
         I instantly started to work and focus on my newly discovered ambitions and turn them into paper-written thoughts. It was a reckless way of acting but towards which I feel no remorse. After all, curing oneself through the making of something means sheer instinct and continuous practice. Nevertheless, the anguish felt when seeing no substantial progress made me go backwards several steps. However, never before had I thought that trying to turn in my inner conflicts would be such an unlimited realm of creative possibilities. Though it made me almost self-deconstructively sensitive to everything than others my age, I was very pleased with it, especially because then and now I stand before unsuspected misteries and beauties beneath hidden reality. I can say I had found the Philosopher Stone for twisting reality by my own bidding.
       ‚When I look back on my life, it’s not that I don’t want to see things as they happened, it’s just that I prefer to remember them in an artistic way. And truthfully, the life it all is much more honest because I invented it. Clinical psychology tells us that trauma is the ultimate killer.[...] It’s not that I’ve been dishonest, it’s just that I loathe reality’ Lady GaGa introduces to us her newest video concept for ‚Marry the Night’. It is a well based theory of self reconstruction after senseless battles held against both ourselves and reality. Moreover, I believe that we prefer to perceive such introverted fights as to forget and reconstruct their reality for building a new inner strength. Instead of grieving on our past insuccesses we should concentrate on discovering new paths and means of blooming as a unique artist. Additionally, instead of traumatising further on our tormented souls, it is much more recommended to disregard that past trauma and see its brighter side: that it has motivated us, that is has given us access to abilities never known to us. In lesser words, it has made us much stronger.
         Whether I create for my egocentric universe or just to refulate negative thoughts and energies, I do so because it is my way of being violent. Instead of physically forceful approaches, I find literature a much better substitute to it. I would rather write with a mad frenzy about pains and sufferings than to hit someone to express my wrath. In my world, I can be whoever I want to be and as violent as I can. More often, my ‚real’ reality infiltrates the regular reality in a brutal manner. I conquer it all with a simple matching of words.
       ‚With great power comes great responsibility’. But nevertheless, there is an even greater chance of meeting one’s renewed person. It might occur as a fact that we can make something out of nothing. Invariably, we are predestined to be makers by all creative means we hold. And as our responsibility, we are meant to create in order to overcome any sort of impediments both self-centered and extroverted. The need to believe in our capacities proves strong enough to do so.
            So whether I have succeeded or not in reconstructing myself by means of creative efforts, I always continue. Maybe one day my meaningless words will help others save themselves from inner collapse. I have to keep on going with twisting reality from my prism, as well as to regard my past failures of any kind as successes because they made me stronger and wiser. I have to hold on to my new ambitions and pursue my destiny instead of running away from my problems. These conflicts and fears have to be confronted in order to overcoming self-created illusionary boundaries.

marți, 6 decembrie 2011

Puterea de seductie a puterii

      Puterea corupe! Insa cert este ca, odata cu posibilitatea de a detine asupra ceva sau asupra cuiva, vine si responsabilitatea, directa raspundere inaintea unor forte net superioare noua. De aceea, puterea absoluta este interzisa omului, pentru ca-l orbeste si-l pune pe acesta in ipostaza de a deveni  un pericol pentru el insusi si pentru mediul sau inconjurator.
      Un argument ce sustine aceasta idee consta in tendinta naturii umane spre coruptie, megalomanie, narcisism si egocentrism. Omul tinde sa uite ca ceea ce i s-a oferit este o responsabilitate de o mare avengura si ca, de fapt, pentru el, rolul sau este acela de bun coordonator al unei societati miniaturale, de exemplu. Astfel, toate valorile ce l-au facut pe acesta sa fie persoana indicata pentru un anumit statut,  precum logica impecabila, altruismul, onestitatea, justetea, franchetea etc., degenereaza in timp, transformandu-l pe acesta in ceea ce am putea numi un ''tiran megaloman obsedat de putere'', ca Adolf Hitler sau Atilla Hunul.
       Cu toate acestea, setea nestavilita de putere a fiintei umane o face sa persevereze in depasirea propriilor limite, sin in accederea la nivelurile existentiale infinite, menirea general valabila a omului, aceea de constanta in dezvoltarea sinelui, dar care, intr-un moment de neglijenta, devine obsesia ce imbolnaveste egoul sanatos spiritual, constant in actiunile sale, defectand mecanismele rationale, psihice, logice, cu alte cuvinte, creeaza un dezechilibru interior major. De aici, porneste si tendinta fiintei umane de a centra in jurul propriei persoane Universul sau societatea, lucru nu tocmai benefic acesteia, deoarece individul ajuns la putere devine tinta propriei lacomii, a propriilor atacuri indreptate catre societate, dar si a actiunilor de decalare ce vin sa forteze abdicarea de la putere a ''tiranului''.
       Totusi, lipsa dovezilor legate de o oarecare forma de evolutie sau progres constantele noastre eforturi de slefuire a sinelui, cat si imposibilitatea de a ajunge la putere pot avea repercusiuni nefaste, ducand la o inclinare a balantei spre partea depresivo-maniacala a eului, in care domina complexul d einferioritate fata de ceilalti indivizi existenti intr-un cerc social dat, si deci, renuntarea la aceasta cale.
        Concluzionand, conceptul de putere este o lama cu tais dublu, pe de-o parte, putand sa ne eleveze catre un nivel de fiinte subalterne divinitatii, dar superioare fiintelor umane de rand, iar pe de alta parte, sa cadem prada fie propriei megalomanii si lacomii, fie propriei incapacitati de a continua si implinirea scopului obtinerii puterii.

luni, 5 decembrie 2011


începe să se scurgă lumina sluţ/(ind/ită)-
spală (urlând!) urmele frumuseţii din bisturiu şi tatuaje din fum de ţigară!!!-
cicatrici cauterizate...
...din ochi radioactivi de câine spre
hăuri puturoase
am căzut... mult...
m-ascund sub multe dorinţe şi idei veştede ca mine şi-un chip perfect machiat, nu-i aşa?
Oase-oase-oase, căci pielea
s-a retras în mine
-unde-i carnea creierul(ui) t(ă)u?-
într-un anti-‚corp străin’...
c-un chip speriat de grotesc ce se uită la
(fi)gurile de ieşire din tavan- ultimul „EXIT” sign-
un chip acoperit în mâzgi violete de vapori
moarte-argint viu
!vita longa, ars brevis!
şi ultimului înger i-a pierit un urlet...


ni se târăsc buzele-
nişte şerpi de lavă –
pe marginea
unui pahar plin cu venin de roze- absint-
Dé roze narcise ca tine
iar noi bem, îl bem
(absintul) cu canistra
murind încet, topiţi fiind de beţie
e-un pahar în care se naşte lumină din pământ deşertic. Ca noi din noi înşine....
sau din cenuşile noastre...
iar totu-i petrecut pe dezacord de contracţii, erupţii şi efemerităţi.
DéRose, iubire nu-i decât
puroiul negilor de vrăjitoare strânşi de tine cu mâinile astea mici, mici ale tale
e-un suc cu pulpă de suflete şi cenuşă distilat în
vapori de mercur depuşi pe brazde,
în aer şi în vorbele scrise-n rânduri de labirint...
asta-i pastila de cianură-cremă-
ce mi-o strecori în câte-o amintire
pe-un sărut de sticlă-n fiecare zi când îţi strig ‚Te iubesc!’...

Despre pesti si oameni la vertical

ruginesc... (câte) puţin...
stând pe băncile corozive

-nebun în lumea mea lipsită de rubine-

aş putea merge să culeg un ‚orice’ pentru noi
din parcul ce arde nestăvilit
pietre de ‚Nu te voi uita niciodată!’ promise...

... funerare, în fond...

dar ar trebui parcurse cârciuri de ştreanguri/străzi
efort ce nu-l pot face -mi-e frică!-
mi le pun colier aşa cum
din oasele şi solzii mei ţi-aş face cămăşi de forţă scurte
şi mi-aş arde pastilele cu efect placebo
prin cârciumi fără degetele tale opozabile

tot singur să fiu(?) cât aş mânca
bacteria violet
cu termometrul la 37˚ Celsius....
atât am întârziat spre gara Căii Lacteeice
mă aflu în lactaţie inutil … nimeni nu bea lapte cernut de-o inimă făcută sită…

Silogisme improbabile inutile din moment ce tu…

…nu exişti…