duminică, 25 iulie 2010

Letter( A response to a POST)


Disregarding, disobbeying, destroying... Today everything rhymes with 'dis' or at least with the begining of everything. I wonder, how can someone whose main purpose is to thrive on his skills( if there are such inner capacities) be so rude and careless about the sorroundings of him? Maybe it is intended to be so as there is an opposite to myself. IT'S THE BEGINING OF THE END FOR ME AND MY CRAVINGS.
Disregarding... nature and all its contents. Disobbeying my benefactors, those who foster me and care for my well-going on this world, destroying myself by simply devouring myself with mental disections... Doing all of these for what? I'd dare say it is because life seems endlessly paused on a single note. Time has gone from a hectic waterflow to a serene and dreadfully silent lake. I cannot guarantee for the safety of all, because of the beast purged forever by my inner egos.
What am I or what are you looking for? Is it ourselves or just nothingness? Is it a purpose? Is it answers?
Thoughts come and thoughts go. Trap them quick or they shall slip through your fingers like water, like time. If we were to write all what we are thinking of, there would not be enough methods to store them and not enough time to release them. Maybe it is for the best like this. I may not know the whole power of words, but once you're filled with questions that barely have an answer, you stay a solitary imp forever. An imp who wonders through them with and without the cure or the disease...
Maybe I'll write to you 'tomorrow',
An Imp

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

hi all