duminică, 29 august 2010

Lightning seems to strike in the same place

Lightning bolt seems
to strike
in the same place.
Or do we speak of a lucky guess?
Oh do not flee, my child,
for it is a divine gift.
If you feel electricity
flowing through you,
it means you're the
nightstar rising
on the dying sky.
If you feel Death clutching
your members,
it means you've been given
Oh, no mourning for now,
thy slender star!
Oh, no despair for now,
your path is paved afar.
No tears for now, you
frail and nobel Phoenix.
the game is far from ending.
No pierce for now,
as gods may still be craving.

Go for now
and you shall see
What kind mistress faith can be...

2 comentarii:

Elise spunea...

Lightning bolt seems
to strike...frumos...:-*

Trish D. spunea...

I like it a lot ! :-)
Keep it up.

Happy late Birthday.